Ms. Towkay

All hail the greatest boss.



I am MAD. Not the MPH kind of mad, as in the crazy kind of mad. It's the angry kind of mad. I feel like stabbing every single thing in my house with a plastic fork. When I get some money out of my red packets, and I want to spend them, ALL THE SHOPS ARE CLOSED. THIS IS A CATASTROPHE! A DISASTER! A CHAOTIC SITUATION!

Popular (Bookstore) isn't open. OP isn't open. Billabong isn't open. I would suppose Times, Kinokuniya, and MPH (Bookstore) isn't open. Only Mac, KFC, and the other eateries are open. Suddenly, I don't feel hungry. I just want BOOKS. SHIRTS. BAGS. NOOOOOTTT FOOOOOOD. People can die of boredom and erm...having money but having no where to spend them, you know!!!

I want to sue this, sue that, sue, sue, sue (as if I have the money). Bleh. Just went with Dad to relatives' houses and is dead beat. Wobbly legs. -_-'' Dad says I'm so PRACTICAL. Count all the money straight after we rush out of the house :P Hahas,,,,

If someone were to draw a picture of me, would they draw me with $-$ for the eyess???



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