Ms. Towkay

All hail the greatest boss.


Duh. @-@

I feel a sense of accomplishment. I FINALLY DID SOMETHING TODAY! Well, it's not like I never walked or talked or typed yesterday, but I mean, like doing something related to schoolwork and subjects...and most importantly of all, I did MATHS. The MATHS that I soo dislike. I'm starting to find it interesting. Pinch me. Seems my life is changing somehow. I'm starting to like MATHS and love the wonderful and amazing world of Geography. Why did I even hate it then (in Sec 1)? All the landfill stuff and etc is just sooo interesting. *blinks*

Guess I'm really going to be off Blogskins for some time. Stress. Lol. I mean, even if people don't feel this way, it just feels that everyone wants you to make a blogskin EVERY SINGLE DAY. And that you just HAVE to get the inspiration somehow, but believe me. You just can't sit there and stare at the computer and suddenly, an idea pops out. Inspiration and Ideas come out only when I don't WANT to try to find them. It may be weird, but that's me :)

However, while I'm taking this break, I'm starting Chromesky Productions. It's just a site to store all my blogskins and graphics, and etc. I cannot promise how long I'll take to complete this site, cause it still depends on my laziness (which REALLY bugs me) and of course, my tution, my time I get on the computer, bla bla bla. But it should be done by the last day of Holidays. Pfft. xD Unless my laziness really gets me somehow. xD

Oh, guess what! I have a Christmas tree! Lalala, all to myself. I can decorate it in any single way I want. xD It's a good thing to me, considering my family didn't buy one last year. Oh, I need this week's I Weekly soo badly. SO badly. Why? Someone secret is in it. Relax lar. Not Singapore Idol stuff. It's just my personal idol...hee xD

Hope Miches would be back soon. Then I can drag her and Becks to escape. I can picture it now. Me dragging them out of the taxi which stopped right in front of Escape and they're screaming "I don't want to go, let mee goooooo!" xD No larx. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to go, right, Becks, Mich?

See ya! ^^


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