Ms. Towkay

All hail the greatest boss.



I came across these graphics sites. Before you can view their layouts, there's a terms of usage, and then you can choose to accept or not. BUT, they did that ON PURPOSE. Meaning for those who didn't read, you'll be sent to this page where there may be a counter to count how many people read it. Yes, I WAS that weirdo who didn't read the rules.

But what I found rather offensive was that one of the sites labelled these people as "idiots" who don't bother to read the rules. I agree with the don't read the rules part, but to label them as idiots is rather well, bad. Just because they were eager to get to the layouts part doesn't mean that they are idiots. They're just...lazy people who don't bother to read the rules. The webmasters and webmistress have no right to label them as idiots and even have a counter to count how many "idiots" hit that page.

Most of the time, people DON'T fall for this. They don't read the rules, skip to the end because they know that's where such webmasters and webmistresses put the way to enter the proper page.

Besides, having this trick thing doesn't mean people will follow the rules. So why put it? It's not like in this way, people will not direct link or steal or redistribute the layouts. The risk is just as high as those sites without such stuff.

In the page where the lazy people who don't bother to read the rules go to, it states clearly that you did not bother to read the rules. *rolls eyes* Since these people don't bother to read the rules, why tell them to go and read the rules properly again? It's practically telling them your trick, your trap. Then what IS the point of having that trap? *sighhh* -_-''

Oh whatever.


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