Ms. Towkay

All hail the greatest boss.


Me, Myself and No One Else :P

Yeppers, I didn't have time to post yesterday. Hello! School, Maths Remidial, then guides. XD

Friday morning was bad, bad, bad. We got scolded by Miss Lim for being late and stuff. Hello! I told the class to like...hurry? Duh! And later I got punished by Miss Tan coz I lost my Maths Exercise 11a. Man, like Mrs Gay's style, I got to be "out-standing". So like...embarrasing lor! XD

Afternoon was much much better. I {heart} History! The test was...piece of chocolate-vallina cake! XD I have to score 15/20 at least or I won't like...forgive miself. XD

Maths Remidial was better than 2 weeks ago. At least I didn't sleep and I wasn't like...the last to move away from the classroom.

Girl guides...HIKING. Soooo. Hilarious. We were encircling round a senior, like...front then back then front. And each time Uma lost her, she was like...."Where did she go? Where did she go?" Well, I was of course beside Uma. And we were like..."Uma, you know what is to your right? You know what is to your left?" So farni. A toopid beaver keep using her blue umbrella to hit everyone's butt. And later on Uma lost her balance and sorta fell...and the senior was like "Are you all right?"...and Uma was so shocked and going "Ok, ok." XD How eventful can this be...

Then finale we reach the top, we sang "Peace like a River" and etc. After returning to school, we picked out the names for Manito (sp) and Uma and I was like praying for that senior lolx. And then of course, didn't get many Sec to get the one you want? So "zun" mehx?

Today, we went to clean thy beach. So sad, the senior not there! *sniff* Only got 2 Sec 4s. We picked and picked and picked...mi back kinda ached. And we actually picked 2 gloves! Utterly disgusting! There were styrofoam pieces, etc. After that, we played a game...and my team arr...sorta blur blur...not needing to blindfold elso blindfold...-_-''

Then, later on we stopped the game when no team has even completed yet bcoz of time constrant. We were drove back to the school, where our company headed to mi house to practice the dance. We ordered pizza! Hawaiian...yum yum! Wo men chi de "jing jing you wei"! Hahax.

That bout all, see yaz.


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