Ms. Towkay

All hail the greatest boss.


Ok. I didn't post...for DAYS. You know what that means. I have loads of things to talk. Bear with me.

Yeppers, the layout is PRE-MADE. I said it. Not that I'm making such a big fuss, but I was lazy XD. And I just HAD to get a new layout, you know?

First thing, campfire. You don't know how much I ENJOYED MYSELF THAT NIGHT. Yep, we did the hard stuff - moving tables, chairs and everything, and not forgetting the cuts i got from those manual work we did. But I can assure's all worthwhile. The fire blazing, everyone singing, it was Glanz Natch all right.

Hey you peeps,
listen out loud!
Tonite you're here with Cedar Guides.
Be prepared to rock with us,
come on now and shout out loud.
Glanz Natch that's what we say,
Glamour Night that's what it means.
Journey through the road of fame...
and find suprises on your way!

Excoose me. I just HAD to type it out - natural instincts kicked in. Can you believe 2 yrs later, we'll be the one organizing these? Seriously.

Well, yeppers, my parents made a last minute decision and allowed me to stay overnight @ school despite me having tution the next morning. Yes, I slept on the hard floor. I thought there were no sleeping bags @ home, but there was -_-''. And a beaver beside me keep going :"I'm gonna suck your soul". And I hummed a song. Yep, and we slept @ around 1:30, waked up @ 5:20. 4 hours only. Zzzzz...

BTW, I didn't go for the walkathon. Go to mich's blog for information on that.

Second, new music teacher. Now erm...she's very weird. You know suddenly she stares @ us as if every single one of us did something against the law and then the next second she smiles for no reason, and she reverts back to the staring again.

I miss Mrs Valerie Ong.

Third, we acted out a skit this friday. You won't believe how stupid our group's was. Especially our exercise moves. We decided on one move only...and the next second the whole thing was messy...some turning left, some turning right, and then suddenly we did the three little ducks. 0_0.

Still, it's better than foot drills.

Four, the minister of....I kinda forgot came to our school. Yep, and we jogged an extra round so he could like...view it? Anyways, a round was discounted off our next jogging session.

Fifth, there was the FREAKING MATHS REMIDIAL. I dozed off in the middle of the listen, at least I almost dozed off. And I was the last to leave the room. MATHS REMIDIAL BAD. MATHS REMIDIAL VERY BAD.

Sixth, I made a whole bunch of bookmarks...everyone from 1c must at least order/buy one hor! XD

Seventh, guitar rocks. I'm playing the guitar. rock and roll rocks.

Eight, Wei Wen and Yee Wen came just now for the CE presentation. We finished it "in a jiffy"...and started playing monopoly, but somehow the presentation seems to be lacking if it's too simple or too know?

Nine, I feel quite ok nowdays...happier I can say. CEPT FOR TOOPID MATHS REMIDIAL. Anyway we're selling food on Mon. I can't wait!

Ten, I decidate this last thing I wanna say in this post to Beaver/Mich. Seems that you've been feeling kinda depressed lately...but Mich, know and remember, your friends are REALLY your friends and they SHALL stand by you, support you. You are NOT insignificant, NOT invisible. NO ONE is. There is someone, some people who care about you.

Really. We all do.

If you think you can, you can.
I think I can, therefore I am.

And to Quincy, I do hope you're better! :D I mean of course you're better. :D

{ thanks to all those who linked me...muhaina, li chu. it's a miracle :D }

Is this the longest post in history? Guiness world Records! Muawhahaha XD


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